SDC-1200 Jet Cooling Unit

The SDC-1200 is an economical, robust, simple unit for use in the process known as high velocity jet cooling. It is designed to receive a signal from the casting or molding press to activate each cooling cycle.
The water and air circuits are governed by ball valves which are opened and closed via solenoid. The operator or engineer can set and adjust time settings via the programmable relay. The unit is designed so that water is continually flowing through the pump and out to a drain until cooling is engaged. There is no special requirement for water source pressure, however; water must be clean to ensure best operation.
The mechanical components of the unit are enclosed in an 80/20 aluminum frame. The electronic controls are housed in a separate enclosure mounted to the machine enclosure.
- 257 GPH at 250 psi
- Off-the shelf components
- 80-20 extruded aluminum platform and frame
- Simple rogrammable relay for control of delay start, water on, and air on